Long Mynd Wild Camping Trip Video

Long Mynd wild camping video - Available in 4K on YouTube

Check out the above video for the full Long Mynd wild camping trip, with a bit of an intro, and some extra behind-the-scenes information at the end. The majority of the “film” bit was shot with no talking and no music, so just enjoy the sounds of nature, hiking, and wild camping.

This wild camp started at the car park at Pole Cottage. It’s free parking, and a great place to leave your car on the Long Mynd overnight. I’ve never had any problems, other than my wife’s car getting licked by ponies. I returned to find it covered in mud and hair. Ah well…

Long Mynd free parking for the wild camping trip

After parking up, I set out through the thick brown ground cover to pick up one of the main paths out around Round Hill towards Grindle. It’s high ground here, but relatively flat and easygoing, and even after a load of recent rain, not boggy at all.

Long Mynd walking paths

There are big skies and panoramic views in all directions from here on the top of the Long Mynd, with spectacular rolling hills and lush green countryside below.

Views from the top of the Long Mynd

I stuck to the North side of Round Hill and began to drop down towards Cross Dyke. Here I met with the first of the car (and tent) licking wild ponies that roam the Long Mynd, and managed to get some cool shots. I’m particularly pleased with the audio of the ponies chewing in the video. They eat louder than I do, just.

Long Mynd wild ponies
Wild Ponies on the Long Mynd in Shropshire

Next time I’ll take some carrots.

After mucking around here for a while admiring the views beneath some Hawthorn trees, and upsetting the crows, I took the path south of Grindle and headed down towards the Small Batch path, before swinging right and climbing up Callow Hill. It opened up yet more spectacular views of the Shropshire countryside to the South.

Looking South from Callow Hill on the Long Mynd in Shropshire

As pretty as the view to the South was, that wasn’t why I was here. I was here for a particular view over Church Stretton to the North East, and in particular, to capture an establishing shot of the Shropshire Hills. I needed something that said “The Shropshire Hills”, but it had to be something with some context. A town, a village, a farm, or something like that. I knew just the place, Callow Hill, and so I set up wild camp here for the night, and settled down.

Long Mynd wild camping spot - Callow Hill

It got pretty cold, down to around zero, and it must have been a good few degrees below with the windchill, but whatever, I was prepared. I wrapped up warm, stuck on my down booties (yes, really), and got the timelapse camera rolling over Chruch Stretton.

They call Church Stretton “Little Switzerland”, I understand why, but I know where I’d rather be… the one with proper cheese, not that bland stuff with holes.

I like the penknives, but it’s a bit far to go just for that.

It soon got a bit colder, and I stood there admiring the moon rise over the town, like a complete and utter womble. It felt good at the time, but looked a bit odd in the video I thought… like I’d been summoned by a moon demon…

Moonrise over the Long Mynd

After that, it was Pot Noodles and steaks, obviously, and I got into my sleeping bag just as it started to sleet at around 8 pm.

I slept through until around 5 AM, waking up just a few times in the night to shout at the ponies who had decided to lick my tent. I think they were after the moisture following the sleet, and I thought it was pretty cool, but I was a little concerned they’d get caught up in the guy lines. All was fine though, and I slept through well and woke up to a cloudy but amazing sunrise….

Long Mynd sunrise while wild camping

What followed was a load of coffee and a fair amount of standing around looking out into the distance, as you do when wild camping. It’s my favourite part…

Standing around drinking coffee while wild camping on the Long Mynd in Shropshire

I wrapped up the timelapse sequences and packed away my camping gear as the sun rose over Shropshire. Here’s the main view I was after, it’s Caer Caradoc, the Lawley, and the Wrkein above the town of Chruch Stretton, not bad…

A view of Church Stretton, Cer Caradoc, the Lawley and the Wrekin, from a wild camp spot on Callow Hill

Take a look at the video for the full experience…. YouTube Link

Here’s the tent I used in the video, it’s the MSR Elixir 1 in green, available HERE ON AMAZON.

Thanks for checking out my Long Mynd Wild Camping trip, let me know if you have any questions in the YouTube comments, cheers.

Other BLOG posts….

I write about my UK wild camping trips, Pot Noodle flavours and things that lick tents in the night.


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